How to Make an Appointment

There are many reasons that students choose to speak with a school counselor. Oftentimes, students need a place to simply talk about what is happening in their world. The counseling office provides a safe place for them to put things in perspective and to learn how to better understand and manage their feelings. Students do not need parent permission to speak with a school counselor.  What a student says in counseling is not shared with anyone unless someone is hurting the student, the student wants to hurt him/herself, the student wants to hurt someone else, the student gives permission, or there is a medical emergency.

Students may request an appointment with Ms. Albrecht or Mrs. Rogers on the Counseling Request Form . Please fill out each section of the form and then submit it.  This form is taking the place of the paper sign up form in the main office; you can fill it out from any chrome book, computer, or mobile device. *Because your privacy is important, no one but the counselor will see who has requested an appointment.

Parents may email Ms. Albrecht (Email Ms. Albrecht) or Mrs. Rogers (Email Mrs. Rogers) to request an appointment.